BE YOUR SELF by doing Self-love.
This are the value make me accept it and I was honoured to be part of this programme.
I will lead myself to be the best version of me. Self-love will not make yourself selfish but you will become a center magnet of positivity and automatically changes your surroundings.

Definitely Puan Maziah Mohamad and En Zulme Tumin . They are my everyday reference because they are my parents. What your eyes can see best on me it was from them. They are leading us by example. We are not perfect but we are complete when we have each other.
Ayah is the one who influenced me by reading books . He gave me the book called “How to Influence People and Friends” by Dale Carnegie, afterwards this book has been my annual reading.
All I need are their blessings in my life, if you read this love you ibu ayah and thank you so much.

I love doing small changes. But the changes must something that will make me go out of my comfort zone. From a hobby becoming, a habit and it will be part of our life . Such as waking up in morning before 6am, drink more juices and less coffee, change your diet by eating more vegetables and fish.
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