How Nailah Huda Is Using Journalism to Speak Truth to Power

How Nailah Huda Is Using Journalism to Speak Truth to Power

We’re talking about the real people who inspire us—those who are always trying to make the world a better place. They may motivate us in our professional lives, our personal lives, or the things we do in our community circles. 

Read on as they share a bit about themselves through our Q&A lightning-round.

Dear Nailah, please tell us a bit about yourself.
I’m a news anchor and journalist from Subang Jaya. I’m turning 24 soon this Leo season.
What motivates you everyday to do what you do?
To speak truth to power and against injustice.
What do you think is missing from, or what do you hope to improve about, content for women online?
Representation of women on any platform needs to reflect the realities of those from working-class backgrounds and ethnic minority groups.
Who has been your most interesting topic that you've covered on the job?
Uncle Kuah Leong Chuan from Kuala Selangor, the third generation in his family to run a gravestone carving service for Muslim burials. He knows a lot more about Islamic burial traditions than the average Muslim.
What is your hope for young women finding their voice and identity in the world?
It’s not easy for a young woman to navigate this world alone but with each other’s support, nothing can get in our way of taking over the world (shh, don’t tell the men).

"I learned to say yes to opportunities, even ones that would usually scare me. Now I feel like I can take on anything"

A habit that has changed your life?
I learned to say yes to opportunities, even ones that would usually scare me. Now I feel like I can take on anything.
One way to fuel confidence?
Talking to yourself in the mirror. I’ve practised my Oscar’s acceptance speech several times in the shower.
What was the last website you looked at?
New York Times for my daily crosswords in the morning.
If you had only three things you could eat for the rest of your life what would they be? 
Lemak kuning cili api, my mom’s asam pedas, and cabbage soup.
Who’s your everyday hero… and why?
My mom, for still putting up with me.


{Nailah wearing the Laila Set from Whimsigirl}


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