

IG: @izzaizelan

Currently I am a gender and social inclusivity specialist at the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) who is trying to make a systemic change at the policy-making level to make the world a better place for everyone.

Q: WHO IS IZZA IZELAN IN HER OWN WORDS? A: I am an educator and a journalist at heart; I love asking questions and finding things out, exploring and seeking for answers, as well as learning and teaching others. Currently I am a gender and social inclusivity specialist at the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) who is trying to make a systemic change at the policy-making level to make the world a better place for everyone. I am also a social worker, and lead a nonprofit that supports the progress of womankind called WOMEN:girls, as well as founder of Geng Gadis, a platform that speaks about girlhood to womanhood. On the flip side, I also love cultural history, general knowledge, horography and music. Secretly, I want to be a Kebaya and Batik historian and collector. Nice to meet you!
Q: WORDS TO DESCRIBE IZZA A: Curious and crack


Q: WHAT'S A QUOTE YOU LIVE BY A: “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything” — This is very useful for me. Sometimes I don’t want to step on anybody’s toes, so I become a centrist/moderate. However, I realized that being in the middle is not always good, and you don’t necessarily save anybody, not even yourself. Standing up for something is having principles and like my favourite Madonna’s song, Iconic “if you don’t use your voice, someone else will speak for you instead.” Q: IZZA AS A SWEET TREAT A: I would probably be kuih onde-onde or Birthday Cake ice-cream Q: WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE COLOUR A: Silver/grey

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