Currently I am a gender and social inclusivity specialist at the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) who is trying to make a systemic change at the policy-making level to make the world a better place for everyone.
Q: WHO IS IZZA IZELAN IN HER OWN WORDS? A: I am an educator and a journalist at heart; I love asking questions and finding things out, exploring and seeking for answers, as well as learning and teaching others. Currently I am a gender and social inclusivity specialist at the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) who is trying to make a systemic change at the policy-making level to make the world a better place for everyone. I am also a social worker, and lead a nonprofit that supports the progress of womankind called WOMEN:girls, as well as founder of Geng Gadis, a platform that speaks about girlhood to womanhood. On the flip side, I also love cultural history, general knowledge, horography and music. Secretly, I want to be a Kebaya and Batik historian and collector. Nice to meet you!
Q: WORDS TO DESCRIBE IZZA A: Curious and crack