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Discover the Weekend series

1 minute with our Everyday Girl: Atisya

1 minute with our Everyday Girl: Atisya

1) What do you do?
 I work at Shopee as a Dispute Operations.
 2) What gets you out of bed everyday?
Knowing that it’s a brand new day, not knowing what to expect. To me, everyday is filled with new things. That’s what keeps me going.

3) Do you have cats?
Yeah, I do. I have one cat. His name is Jack. He’s a Persian, very big. When I don’t brush him, my mum would get so angry at me. “You want a cat but you’re not taking care of it.”
4) What’s your current fave song on heavy rotation?
(no hesitance) Ariana Grande. All of her albums, every day, in the car, on the way to work.
 5) If you could have lunch with an Everyday Girl, who would it be and why?
That’s hard. Maybe like Kylie Jenner. It’ll be fun to know how she lives her life.
6) Words that you live by?
‘Work hard, play hard’ so it balances. You go to work but at the same time you take days off to come for shoots or whatever. Ada balance lah, not just work work work because then you’ll get so bored and stress yourself out.
7) Tell me about your pick-me-up routine.
There’s a lot of things that I’d do. I would shop online.
 8) What do you usually shop?
Accessories and clothes. 
9) Would you spend more on clothes, skincare or makeup?
I think on clothes, because makeup lambat nak habis. My mum always gets angry (when I spend on makeup)
10) You got a good glimpse of the collection. Do you have a favourite item from it?
OMG, all. I can’t choose. They’re so nice and the materials are so comfortable. Duduk rumah pun still so comfortable. I told my mum that I want everything.

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