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Discover the Weekend series

An Urbanist, Yasmin Shares on What Brings Her Joy and Embracing Ourselves

An Urbanist, Yasmin Shares on What Brings Her Joy and Embracing Ourselves

Get up close with our everyday girls where we discover how each homebodies reimagine their home with comforting rituals.


1) Tell us a little bit about yourself :)

Hi, well I’m 30. Turning 31 in a week. I’m an urbanist, I care about making our cities more equitable. I’m married and we live with our 2 cats. I’ve been craving a beach holiday all year this year. 

2) In 3 words, how would you describe how you’re feeling this week?

Calm, light and impatient. 

3) Do you consider yourself as somebody that loves staying at home, a.k.a homebody?

Definitely. It’s the best feeling and very grateful that I’m in a position to have a comfortable safe space to call home. 

4) What has been the most challenging part about staying at home?

The constant cleaning when we’re home all the time. House never stays clean long enough. 

5) What has brought you the most joy in staying at home?

Creating new routines - I’ve been able to carve out time to read more and enjoy the mornings, which I try to keep with me now that I’m back at the office most days. 

6) 2020 has been full of ups and downs. What are the areas of your life where you’ve had to take risks and it paid off?

Took some risks with work organising things in an area that was new to me, met a network of incredible women through the process! 

7) Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give yourself early this year?

 “I know it’s tough, but try not to buy so much cake” 

8) What habits have you adopted to see the good in each day?

Being grateful and seeing the good is something we’ve all had to keep learning how to do this year. I’ve slowly been learning how to catch myself before I start being negative, and try to trace those thought processes. Like if I can’t see the good, what’s stopping me and why. Learning to be more in touch with my feelings I guess is that habit. 

9) Are there small reminders of goodness in your world that you have been too busy to notice?

Our skies most days, and the clouds. Always forget it’s there and how gorgeous it is, such a cliche but it’s really the little things that matter. 

10) What habits have you adopted to bolster your self-esteem going into the new year.

Morning yoga, it’s really helped me. Also embracing that our bodies change and accepting that with love - instilling that I am enough. 



  • If you can only eat one meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, what would it be?

Good hummus with fresh bread 

  • What’s one hobby that you’ve been wanting to pick up on?


  • What's your most favourite house chore?

Cleaning the bathroom 
  • What's your least favourite house chore?


  • Do you make up your bed in the morning? Be honest!

  • If you can choose 2 people to be in quarantine with for 1 week, who would they be?

My husband, We’ve been quarantining this whole time can’t not choose him right hehe. And my friend Berlin who’s in Australia, we’ve talked almost everyday this year. I'd love to quarantine with her for a week. 

  • Fill in the blank. Home is ______ 

a feeling.

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