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Discover the Weekend series

Kelly Khalil Shares What Kindness Truly Means to Her.

Kelly Khalil Shares What Kindness Truly Means to Her.

Get up close with our everyday girls where we discover how each homebodies reimagine their home with comforting rituals.



1) Tell us a little bit about yourself :)

Hi! My name is Nurkhalilah but everyone calls me Kelly. I am someone that is shy at first but once I’m comfortable with someone, I can be really loud especially when I’m with my family and close friends.

2) In 3 words, how would you describe how you’re feeling this week?

I’m so grateful.

3) Do you consider yourself as somebody that loves staying at home, a.k.a homebody? 



4) What has been the most challenging part about staying at home

Cooking for the whole family because I’m not sure what they really want to eat. We have different preferences when it comes to food. So yeah, I need to cook something that everyone likes.

 5) What has brought you the most joy in staying at home?

Get together with my husband & family. We rarely eat at home so during the MCO we get to spend more time with the family 


6) 2020 has been full of ups and downs. What are the areas of your life where you’ve had to take risks and it paid off?

I almost accepted a job that offered me a pay raise. But then when I thought about it, I think it is more stable and safe where I am now. Sometimes stability is better than a raise, especially during these hard times. 

7) Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give yourself early this year?

Appreciate what you have and who you have because the future can take it all away from you anytime.


8) What habits have you adopted to see the good in each day?

Always being there when someone needs a helping hand.



9) Are there small reminders of goodness in your world that you have been too busy to notice?

Kindness. Sometimes we’re too caught up with all the negativity in this chaotic planet that we’ve forgotten about giving and kindness. So much so that we fail to notice even the simplest act of kindness like a neighbour feeding the stray or a small business owner waving off that RM1.50 fee. It is things like these that may look small to most (sometimes me) but can means so much to the receiving party.

10) What habits have you adopted to bolster your self-esteem going into the new year.

Being a plus size women hasn’t always been easy for me. Especially when it comes to society’s standard of beauty and health. So I’ve recently decided to treat all the unnecessary comments people make about my body as white noise, and I have started to only listen to what I think makes me happy. I’ve also started to reconnect with my love for running. With these things in mind, I hope they can continue to help me make me feel confident about myself stepping into the new year.



  • If you can only eat one meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, what would it be?

I can eat nasi lemak ayam goreng allday errday!

  •  What’s one hobby that you’ve been wanting to pick up on?

I have been wanting to learn adobe photoshop or illustrator, where I can realize my imagination to reality. 

  •  What's your most favourite house chore?

Setting the table for lunch or dinner! So I can snap a nice photo.

  •  What's your least favourite house chore?

Lipat baju! Don’t you guys agree with me?

  •  Do you make up your bed in the morning? Be honest!

Sometimes hehe.

  • If you can choose 2 people to be in quarantine with for 1 week, who would they be?

Park Bo Gum and Soon Joong Ki, because I really love to watch K-drama and their smile ;) I don’t mind staying with them for a month.

  •  Fill in the blank. Home is _________

Where you feel loved, appreciated and safe :)

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