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Discover the Weekend series

Rebecca Jo Rushdy

Rebecca Jo Rushdy

The shared mission to empower, rise up and learn together with compassion and kindness. Diversity can only make us stronger.

I’ve had a tumultuous relationship with my mother growing up (rebellious teen is an understatement!), but she is absolutely my role model and has impacted how I view and live my life. My mother is a lifelong learner with the ultimate growth mindset. Our relationship has flourished because we have both taken the necessary steps to heal as individuals and forgive our past. 
If Mom and I can get to where we are now - there's hope for anyone who's relationship with a loved one is strained or fragile. Despite not seeing each other for over a year now - our relationship has grown stronger than ever - proving that love can transcend dimensions of space & time. 

It sounds cliche - but to show up for myself and my family and to be my own champion every single day. I’ve put others first my whole life, and motherhood magnified that tendency especially during the early years.

To manage my mental health, I made a conscious decision to choose diet, sleep, exercise and meditation over medication. There have been many setbacks along the way, but I'm proud to say I've been making progress and building my resilience. 

We owe it to ourselves first and foremost, and to the people we love, to try and be the best version of ourselves and not give up when the going gets tough. I always remind myself that without crises we wouldn't have any victories

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