Meet Natasha Gideon, an #adenomyosiswarrior and have been spreading awareness on the condition through her own experiences
How would you describe yourself and what do you do?

I’m your bubbly, overly excited, Kak Long! I help people learn more about property purchases and am a full time real estate negotiator!
What are you most passionate about?
Knowledge. I love sharing anything I have information about which is why I love what I do so much. I also share the vulnerabilities I have related to my illnesses so others can benefit.
What part of you that you are most proud of?

My strength and resilience in living my life day by day regardless of my disability.
What are you doing to keep yourself busy right now?
Mostly work and content creation! Figuring out algorithms is fun.
What are some of the positive changes that you try to implement this year?
Allowing myself to rest and not feel bad about it.
If your life is a song, what would it be and why?
I’m growing and hope to constantly grow into a better human being for the people around me and more. Things will change, physically, mentally, emotionally and I am, at 33, finally open to all of it.
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