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Discover the Weekend series

A Deaf Graphic Designer Who Enjoy Venturing Into The Creative Sphere

A Deaf Graphic Designer Who Enjoy Venturing Into The Creative Sphere

Highlighting the true representation of her life journey as a Deaf person, her daily struggles, and how she navigates through itRead on as they share a bit about themselves through our Q&A lightning-round.

Tell us about yourself and your interests?

Hi everyone, my name is Pan Wai Ling. I graduated with Professional Design Studies. My parents found out I was deaf after a high fever when I was around 1-2 years old. My interest includes hiking, rock climbing, swimming, crocheting, drawing and most of all photography.

What gives you the ultimate enjoyment?

The art, job and life purpose. I enjoy being with my family most of the time.

We can see that the deaf community is socially active. What do you usually like to do with your friends?

I usually like to paint or draw with friends. We also spend most of the time going to exhibitions, art show, art stationery shops, workshop, cafes and book shops.  


Do you think social media has made it easier or harder for you to form a new friendship?

I think social media has made it either easier or harder for me to form a new friendship but I have to be careful with strangers on social media nowadays because some of them are probably scammers. So, I prefer to make friends in real life.


What’re the everyday struggles that you find on a daily basis that a hearing person might not be aware of?

For me, when I am in a shopping mall and people approach me and I tell them that I’m deaf, they would increase the volume of their voice. When they realise I still am not able to hear them, they would walk away.

In a group situation where all my friends are hearing people, as a deaf person, I do feel left out because sometimes I can’t catch what they’re talking about so I let it pass and sit on my own.

What is it like trying to find a job?

It can be a struggle looking for jobs. Honestly, when I was applying for jobs, I would send my resume minus the word ‘deaf’ beside my name because they might not return a call for an interview automatically prior to even meeting me.

When we do meet face-to-face, they are usually very surprised to find out that I am deaf and would question how we would communicate in the workplace. I would tell them that we can write.

What did you do to overcome the challenges?

Making phone calls would be a challenge for me in the workplace. I would bring my book around to write and when making calls, we would text through messengers. When it comes to video conferences, I would type my responses.

What is the one thing that you wish hearing people understood? Or wouldn’t say?

One thing I wish hearing people understood is we can do everything except hearing. I hope they shouldn’t say it pitiful when they found out we are deaf. We didn’t ask for being born like this and please do not mock pur sign language (BIM).

How can we be a better friend to someone with hearing loss?

To be a better friend to someone with hearing loss, writing on note or typing on a phone to communicate with him or her. Eye contact, expressions and gesture are important in the conversation for a deaf person.

What is your one hope for the world?

My hope is that our society can understand that we, the deaf people, are also human beings and to not take us for granted or pity us just because we are deaf. I sincerely hope that we can put our hands in together to improve ourselves in society, working together as one.

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