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Discover the Weekend series

I’ve worked in all sort of industries throughout my 15 year career. I’ve worked in fashion media for a few years, trained under Al Gore through his Climate Reality Project, and even worked in Corporate Comm for a financial institution for a few years.

Q: WHO IS MIRANDA YEOH IN HER OWN WORDS? A: I’m co-founder and the gelato maker for Paolo Paolo Gelato. I’ve always believed that I am able to excel in anything I focus on. I’ve worked in all sort of industries throughout my 15 year career. I’ve worked in fashion media for a few years, trained under Al Gore through his Climate Reality Project, and even worked in Corporate Comm for a financial institution for a few years. After lockdown, I decided that the bank life was enough for me and decided to career pivot and train for an entire year to become a gelato maker. Now I have the best job in the world, I create gelato recipes and spend every day in my gelato kitchen whipping up artisanal gelato.


Q: WHAT'S A QUOTE YOU LIVE BY A: I have a different one every year. Last year’s was “Progress over perfection”, because I would procrastinate badly if I had this crippling fear of what I did wasn’t perfect. This year it’s “What triggers you, teaches you”. It reminds me to take notice of what upsets me and why it does. Q: MIRANDA AS A SWEET TREAT A: It would be my gelato! I’d like people to think what I do is effortless but really I put in a lot of work hahaha (sorry I couldn’t think of anything else my brain is literally about gelato flavours 80% of the time) Q: WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE COLOUR A: Always black, navy blue, red, orange. But currently loving acid green!

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